ecumenical dictionary

"The long-awaited revised and expanded second edition of the "Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement" has just been published. Produced by the World Council of Churches (WCC), this volume is an essential tool for study and research on the movement and for passing the ecumenical memory on to a new generation...

"This second edition maintains the accuracy, objectivity and wide range of the first edition, and takes account of the major changes that have taken place in the world, and the life of the churches, during the decade since it first appeared. Readers will thus find new articles on subjects like "economic globalization", "ethnic conflict", "religious roots of violence"', as well as "Pentecostal-Reformed dialogue", "Baptist-Orthodox relations"', and "theology of religions", among many others...

"One article per month will be published on the WCC website over the coming year."

To order the dictionary via the internet, click on one of the two ordering options below.
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Order option 2: A printable order form that you can fill out and fax to WCC Publications.

January 2003: Dialogue, interfaith. Author: S. WESLEY ARIARAJAH
February 2003: Eastern Orthodoxy. Author: NICHOLAS LOSSKY
March 2003:Worship in the Ecumenical Movement. Author: TERESA BERGER
April 2003: World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Author: PÁRAIC RÉAMONN
May 2003: Roman Catholic Church. Author: RICHARD P. McBRIEN
June 2003: Authority. Author: BERNARD SESBOÜÉ
July 2003: Interchurch Aid. Author: MICHAEL H. TAYLOR
August 2003: Historic Peace Churches. Authors: SARA SPEICHER and DONALD F. DURNBAUGH
September 2003: Ordination of Women. Author: MARY TANNER
October 2003:
Duprey, Pierre. Author: TOM STRANSKY
November 2003: Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. Author: D. PREMAN NILES

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