world council of churches

Issues of Ecclesiology and Membership
Church of England Delegation to Harare 1999

The official report of the Church of England Delegation to the Eighth Assembly of the WCC, entitled "Jubilee Under the Cross of Africa", featured a section on "issues that need to be on the agenda of the Church of England". Among these were issues of ecclesiology and membership.

X. Issues of Ecclesiology and Membership
64. The Section IV Report to the 1998 Lambeth Conference stated that an ecumenical body, from which the Orthodox Churches were disaffected and of which the Roman Catholic Church was not a member, was lacking in credibility. The concerns raised by the Orthodox -- liberal theology, political correctness, adversarial procedures, liturgical issues -- are not unique to the Orthodox but are matters that concern many Anglicans too. They are not unrelated to the position of the Roman Catholic Church as a non-member participant in the WCC's activities. The Lambeth Conference called for the reform and renewal of the WCC in order to secure the fill future participation of those large historic churches. The Toronto Statement of 1950, which expresses what is and what is not meant by a fellowship of churches, remains a useful and acceptable basis for this discussion. Orthodox voices have been strong and effective: Anglican voices should be too.

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