Small Arms & Light Weapons: A challenge to the churches

Regional Ecumenical Consultations
As follow up to the 1998 WCC-sponsored consultation on microdisarmament and in preparation for the UN-sponsored Conference on the Illicit Trade of Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (2001), the WCC is sponsoring a series of regional consultations on related issues.

The consultations are aimed at shaping an ecumenical policy and action programme to guide the Council and its member churches in responding to the challenges posed by the uncontrolled and unlawful use of small arms and light weapons.

The WCC is also participating in the preparatory committee (prepcom) meetings leading up to the UN Conference. The conference will be held in New York from 9 to 20 July 2001. For more information about the event visit UN Conference web site.

Background consultation
1998 Consultation on Microdisarmament

Regional consultations to date
Latin America (Brazil), 25-28 July 2000
    In a Nutshell
    Final Statement
    Feature Article

UN Conference - Adding the voice of the Churches
Churches prepare for UN Conference
Devastating human costs of small arms
Latest preparatory news from IANSA

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